The Journal of Informatics Nursing (JIN) is the official publication of the American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA). The digital journal is published quarterly for members of ANIA. Each issue offers a nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) activity, regular columns, and a variety of feature articles on various topics impacting nurse informaticists. Delivered as a digital edition, JIN allows readers to easily bookmark content, print resources, and share information.
Want to Receive the Journal?
To receive access to the latest, greatest journal for informatics nurses, become an ANIA member. The journal is free to members! Institutions/hospitals and nonmembers also may subscribe, but without the many other benefits that ANIA membership provides to enhance your nursing career. Click here to view a sample issue of the journal.
*Journal subscription included with ANIA membership
Call for Authors
ANIA is seeking authors to write for JIN. Are you a novice author? Nervous about submitting to a peer reviewed publication? No problem! We welcome submissions from both seasoned authors and beginners alike. The journal does not solely focus on research, but is inclusive of a variety of different topics relevant to day-to-day practice. Writing for a scholarly publication is a process, and we are always excited to help first-time writers. After you read through the guidelines below, you can send an email to Editor Elizabeth C. Elkind, PhD, MSN, MBA, RN, NI-BC at with your thoughts on a topic for suggestions and guidance on how you can get started.
View the Guidelines for Article Submission
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Note: To view past issues, click on the 3 bars in the top left corner of your digital edition and choose "Archive" or "Contents View" in the menu.
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