Course Options
On-Demand Certification Review Course
The on-demand course includes a text along with access to download handout materials. A total of 7.75 contact hours is available. Upon purchase of the course, you will have immediate access to the online modules. You should receive the course text in about 14 business days.
Member: $340 Non-member: $399
Purchase is non-refundable or transferable.
ANIA Chapter Hybrid Offering
The Chapter Hybrid includes the Certification Review Course Bundle plus an additional 1.5 contact hours with the Virtual Session. A total of 9.25 contact hours. Registration includes a course text and access to download handouts. Upon registration you will receive a confirmation letter which includes immediate access to the online modules. The letter also includes the essential information for the virtual session. You should receive the course text in about 14 business days.
Upcoming Chapter Offering
Coming Soon...

Prepare for success in the ANCC Informatics Nursing certification exam by attending the ANIA Nursing Informatics Certification Review Course.
Eligibility for Certification
Informatics Nursing Certification is available through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The exam application, eligibility criteria, and pricing are available on the ANCC website.
Discounts for ANIA Members
ANIA is an official partner with ANCC. ANIA Members are eligible for reduced rates for Informatics Nursing Certification (and renewal) through ANCC. Click here for pricing/discount information. (Look for “ANIA Member” under “Pricing & Discounts” during the certification application/renewal process on the ANCC website.) Please note: If you are an American Nurses Association (ANA) member, you cannot apply both discounts, only the greater of the two (ANA).
To date, more than 165 ANIA members have redeemed this special discount offer when certifying (or recertifying) through ANCC!
Update from ANCC (2023)
ANCC provided an update for ANIA members regarding certification credentials.
Accreditation Information
This educational activity will be jointly provided by Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., and the American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA).
Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP5387.