In recognition of the valuable role of chapters in providing services, resources, and education to members at the local level, ANIA has created the "Distinguished Chapter Designation." Chapters may apply for this designation by submitting an application to their Regional Director documenting the chapter's activities in areas such as educational offerings, member engagement and participation, and volunteer/service opportunities. Distinguished Chapters will be recognized at the ANIA Annual Conference and in the Journal of Informatics Nursing, and will receive an award logo to display on their chapter website.
Congratulations to these deserving ANIA chapters! Click below to learn more about how your chapter can earn recognition as a "Distinguished Chapter."
Note: Applications are due by January 31 for recognition in that year.
2024 Distinguished Chapters
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Central Florida
- Colorado
- Dallas/Fort Worth
- Georgia
- Great Lakes
- Greater Delaware Valley
- Heart of America
- MidWest
- New York Tri-State
- NorCal
- Ohio
- San Diego
- SoCal
- South Florida
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Dallas/Fort Worth
- Great Lakes
- Heart of America
- Midwest
- New York Tri-State
- San Diego
- South Florida
- Colorado
- Dallas/Fort Worth
- Heart of America
- New York Tri-State
- San Diego
- Dallas/Fort Worth
- New York Tri-State
- San Diego Region
- SoCal